Letters from my heart

We invite readers, bloggers to publish their message and articles on this blog. The article should be about, love, broken relationships

Friday, 23 May 2014

a stranger i my life

i never knew i would feel this way when i alway chat with her... considering that i only met her once and i fell in love with her... i cant denie that am falling in love with a stranger that i dont know about.. and the fact is that i never bealive the notion of love at first site and here i am engulf and blinded by the power of love..she has soften my heart and brought down the walls i build around after my dark past with the woman i fell in love with but later became a beast who consume my soul without any regret... she made me to despised women alot..... but this girl came around and change everything i don't know how she did it... but she gave me a second chance to love again..she made me to bealive that not everyone is the same...and judging someone because of one thorn..is not realistic she still see me as a stranger cause she doesnt know me and she doesnt recall ever meeting with me so even when i tell her that i do like her so much its had for her to bealive me, and i do understand perfectly well....i wake in the morning and always think of the eclusive chat i always have with her.... i think about telling her how deeply i want her in my life... i just wonder what will happen if i did that i hope she understand why we have never met....

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